@id | ./ |
name [?] | RO-crate for the research project 'OntoClue' |
@type | Dataset |
description [?] | This RO-crate describes the research project 'OntoClue' including metadata about the project itself and the research outcomes created as part of it. The outcomes are listed via the hasPart property of the RO-crate. The purpose is providing a comprenhensive view of the research outcomes. |
datePublished [?] | 2023-11-02 |
license [?] | http://spdx.org/licenses/CC-BY-4.0 |
keywords [?] |
about [?] | https://zbmed-semtec.github.io/projects/2021_OntoClue/ |
hasPart [?] |
Items that reference this one | |
about [?] | ro-crate-metadata.json |
@id | https://doi.org/10.4126/FRL01-006440397 |
name [?] | OntoClue, a framework to compare vector-based approaches for document relatedness using the RELISH corpus |
@type | ScholarlyArticle |
datePublished [?] | 2023-06-22 |
conformsTo [?] | https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ScholarlyArticle/0.3-DRAFT |
identifier [?] | DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006440397 |
license [?] | http://spdx.org/licenses/CC-BY-4.0 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | RO-crate for the research project 'OntoClue' |
knowsAbout [?] | OntoClue |
@id | https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3415/paper-38.pdf |
name [?] | OntoClue, a framework to compare vector-based approaches for document relatedness using the RELISH corpus - Poster |
@type | Poster |
datePublished [?] | 2023-03-01 |
identifier [?] | CEUR:Vol-3415/paper-38 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | RO-crate for the research project 'OntoClue' |
knowsAbout [?] | OntoClue |
@id | https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2918/short3.pdf |
name [?] | Ontology Clustering with OWL2Vec* |
@type | ScholarlyArticle |
datePublished [?] | 2021-07-28 |
conformsTo [?] | https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ScholarlyArticle/0.3-DRAFT |
identifier [?] | CEUR:Vol-2918/short3 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | RO-crate for the research project 'OntoClue' |
knowsAbout [?] | OntoClue |
@id | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5035290 |
name [?] | Complete Medline abstracts corpus between 2015-2019 annotated Whatizit text annotation tool |
@type | DataCatalog |
datePublished [?] | 2021-06-27 |
identifier [?] | DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5035290 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | RO-crate for the research project 'OntoClue' |
knowsAbout [?] | OntoClue |
@id | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4903981 |
name [?] | Whatizit performance evaluation against CRAFT corpus |
@type | DataCatalog |
datePublished [?] | 2021-06-05 |
identifier [?] | DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4903981 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | RO-crate for the research project 'OntoClue' |
knowsAbout [?] | OntoClue |